punchy line

...and he (Simon Peter) saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the face-cloth ... not lying with the linen wrappings, but rolled up in a place by itself. - Jn 20: 6-7
-Jn 20: 6-7

Thursday, March 1, 2012

And Then... God Stopped the Rain (Sidewalk Snapshots Vol. 2)

Praying outside of the local Planned Parenthood is always surreal for me (made all the more uncanny by its situation just across street from the YMCA that my family frequents almost daily).

Today was no exception.  It was a cloudy, drizzly morning.  I bundled the kids in their raincoats and warm hats as we headed 'across the street' from the "Y" where we spent our morning, to fulfill our 40 Days for Life vigil commitment.

Even my kids at two and four years old understand what going 'across the street' means.  Well, kind of.  Their strongest impression of sidewalk ministry so far may only be the fishy crackers they gorge themselves on and the sidewalk chalk they play with while I pray.  My daughter has recently shown signs of growing in her cognition of what's actually happening.  She understands that mommy prays the rosary and offers people 'information' (a few times, she's been the one to call out, "Want some info-may-shun?").

It was rainy all this morning and the night before.  Still, we managed to get out to the sidewalk and took our 'station.'  I seated the kids on the sidewalk under their little umbrellas and just prayed that no gust of wind came along to blow them away.

And then... God stopped the rain.

People doubt that things like this actually happen.  Why or how could God just randomly stop the rain for the hour that a mom with her small children stood praying outside an abortion clinic?  Plus, how can we know if it really was God's doing?  Maybe it was just the weather pattern changing at the exact moment we began our vigil?

I don't know.  Maybe it was just the weather.   There have been plenty of times that we've participated in a 40 Days for Life Vigil during a downpour.  Why didn't God stop the rain then?  Again, I don't have the answers to these questions.

What I do know is that as soon as we were back in our van, the rain began again.  And it has continued intermittently ever since.

In the few moments that the sun has come out today, I couldn't help but wonder, "Who's praying outside the clinic now?"

You never know.  God may just do things such as this, such as stop the rain for his battle wearied follower to show them, or perhaps to show those we pray for during 40 Days For Life, that He is watching and that He is with us after all.

Dear readers, have any of your ever had a similar experience, by any chance?

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