explore their lame-o rationales, shall we? (Their arguments are in bold, followed by
my comments.)
1. They say: Most people aren't in a hurry to get
married anymore.
Quoth the oracle: “So, there's no need to stress about not
getting married -- everyone else is staying single too.” And we know from
experience that when everyone is doing something it must be okay.
Almost there....PSYCHE! |
2. They say: In fact, many people feel there aren't many
advantages to being married.
if un-married people feel that way, having never been married, then of course,
they must be right!
3. They say: For men, being married could be connected
to being overweight.
those demands of marriage can really cut into gym time. How else is a guy supposed to burn all those
calories from stagnantly watching professional sports all weekend? You and I both know a real man isn’t going to
give up watching his team. Marrying his
girlfriend, on the other hand…
4. They say: Marriage can present a slew of financial
This gem of a quote, “Another point: getting married can cause a
single parent to lose student aid for their child.” Wow. Just think of all those government
incentives you’re missing out on by getting hitched! Oh! Bring it on, profitable fornication
(that’s Latin or Greek for what everyone else is doing anyway.)
5. They say: Marriage can seem like an outdated institution,
and some people just don't want to fit into that mold.
the new soon to be outdated institution of
staying single: that's okay!
6. They say: Getting married can put your friendships at
You know which kinds of friendships come to an end because you spend time with your family? The ones weren’t really friendships to begin
with. No sweat there, good riddance.
7. They say: Marriage can lead to the risky habit of
relying on one individual for every emotional need.
cohabitation or dating where you risk ...relying on one individual for every
emotional need.
8. They say: These days, a happy marriage requires a
serious commitment of time and energy that can be hard to maintain. So why bother? Time, energy,
commitment…pshah! We should all settle
for relationships that only require sporadic bursts of low grade energy
followed by a tapering lull as you spend an indeterminate amount of life
wondering whether or not it’s the right time to get married.
9. They say: And, as dim as it sounds, plenty of
marriages in this country end up in a divorce anyway.
avoid becoming a statistic! Unless, of course, it’s the statistic of staying
10. They say: Plus, there's a good alternative to marriage. It's called a civil union or a
domestic partnership.
It’s like marriage “lite,” or a
“calorie free” beverage, which seems like a good alternative to soda until you
realize that it’s is actually worse for you, is totally unsatisfying, linked to obesity, and overall, doesn’t really substitute for the real thing i.e